An Ordinance levying Special Assessments for the purpose of acquring, installing, equipping, and improving certain public improvements in the City of Willowick, Ohio in cooperation with the Lake County Communities Energy Special Improvement District; appr
An Ordinance levying Special Assessments for the purpose of acquring, installing, equipping, and improving certain public improvements in the City of Willowick, Ohio in cooperation with the Lake County Communities Energy Special Improvement District; approving an Energy Project Cooperative Agreement and a special assessment agreement in connection with such improvements and special assessments; and declaring an emergency.
Ordinance/Resolution ID:
Ordinance No. 2024-53
Ordinance/Resolution Status:
Introduction Date:
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Adopted Date:
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Ordinance No. 2024-53:
An Ordinance levying Special Assessments for the purpose of acquring, installing, equipping, and improving certain public improvements in the City of Willowick, Ohio in cooperation with the Lake County Communities Energy Special Improvement District; approving an Energy Project Cooperative Agreement and a special assessment agreement in connection with such improvements and special assessments; and declaring an emergency.