Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (440) 585-3700
Fax: (440) 585-3220
30435 Lakeshore Blvd.
Willowick, OH 44095
City Council awarded Major Waste Disposal the city’s disposal of garbage, recycling and yard waste pick-up contract commencing on February 1st, 2025. Major Waste Disposal was the lowest and best bid of the four bids we received. This is a five year contract with a City option to renew for up to five additional years. There will be no price increase seen in year one for residents who have both garbage and recycling bin pick-up. Recycling will now be picked-up weekly and yard waste will now start on March 1st. All residents should have received a letter from Major Waste Disposal informing them of the change and asking them to choose their service level. If you have not received this letter, please contact Major Waste Disposal at (440)254-4929